New member introduction


Hello all! My name is Keith and I have an airplane addiction. I live in north central MN.

Currently looking at purchasing a Lancair 320, but I am way behind the power curve per se. I've been flying since 1987 and all my time has been in low/slow types. 150,172, Champ on tire and floats, RANS S-7, and my current steed, a Murphy Rebel on Bushwheels. Current planes are the RANS and the Rebel. I am currently installing amphib floats on the RANS, so that will give me some retract time possibly next summer.

As of now, I have zero retract time nor any HP time. 

Called for an insurance quote and was quoted $3400/year and will need 10 hours TIT with a CFI. Since all my time is slow types, I have been trying to find a Lancair experienced CFI in the area without much luck. I did find an owner/CFI/DPE in Superior, WI but he is booked for months.

Hi Keith,

Hi Keith,

Can you share where you obtained that insurance quote from? 


James Munafo Jr.



I called an insurance broker in Fargo, ND. I don't have his name or contact info with me, left it in the hangar in town

It was a bit of a surprise as I had thought it was going to be a higher quote. 


mmspeare's picture

Keith:  Unfortunately, I am

Keith:  Unfortunately, I am one of the few LNC2 instructors east of the Rockies.  Email me at matthewspeare [at], or call at 205-422-7621.