Under the provisions of FAA Advisory Circular 90-116, builder-pilots of most Lancair aircraft may fly with an additional pilot during Phase I flight test of their new aircraft. There are specific requirements in the AC for both the airplane and pilots electing to use this authority, but this option has not been available to turbine-powered EVOs and IV-PTs--until now.
In January 2016, the FAA agreed to issue an Airworthiness Certificate and associated operating limitations that permited a new EVO builder/pilot to fly with specifically-named "Qualified Pilots" during Phase I flight test. This was a "test case" for expansion of the AC to include other turbine-powered homebuilt aircraft, and is based on a Letter of Deviation Authority requested by LOBO in September, 2015. Based on the successful Phase I testing of EVO N45EK, the FAA agreed to allow other Lancair aircraft to be flight tested under the provisions of AC 90-116, with some additional restrictions. Until the AC is formally amended to include these provisions, each Lancair owner/builder wishing to flight test using the "second pilot" authorization of AC 90-116 will require a specific letter of authorization from FAA AFS-830. LOBO's Bob Pastusek (R.Pastusek [at] lancairowners.com) will help you with the paperwork.
Recognizing the potentially higher risk during flight test of high-horsepower turbine-powered aircraft, the FAA stipulated that only specifically-named "Qualified Pilots" would be permitted to act as an additional pilot for test of turbine-powered aircraft, that their authorization would be model and type specific, and that "Observer Pilots" would not be permitted during flight test. LOBO agreed by memorandum with the FAA's AFS 830 Division to publish and maintain a list of Qualified Pilots for test of turbine-powered Lancair aircraft.
TAs of 1 May 2020, the following individuals meet FAA qualifications under the provisions of AC 90-116, Additional Pilot Program for Phase I Flight Test, and the LOBO MOU of 21 January 2016, to fly as a "qualified pilot" in the designated aircraft during Phase 1 flight test:
James C. Peterson --Lancair Evolution and Lancair IV-PT
Redmond, OR
(541) 419-6862
JCP [at] FlyEPS.com
David Robinson --Lancair Evolution
Redmond, OR
(541) 238-4359
David [at] FlyEPS.com