Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 12/09/1998 - 04:49 Forums: LML Archive From: Marvin Kaye <74740.231 [at]> Sender: Marvin Kaye <74740.231 [at]> Subject: Computer grief Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 23:49:24 -0500 To: Lancair Mail List <lancair.list [at]> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> << Lancair Builders' Mail List >> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Hi everyone, I'm writing you from Fargo, ND, this evening to advise you of a problem that I encountered with my on-the-road computer while I was picking up today's email... just what I needed after 9 hours of airline peanuts, three different airports, and a net change in temperature of about -50F. It appears that my system decided to munch all the mails which were forwarded to me since last night, so all postings to the LML for today (since last night at midnight) are stuck in limbo on the olsusa listserver until I can get home and access my regular email. If it wouldn't be asking too much, would anyone who sent a post to the LML since Monday night midnight (EDT) please resend copies of those posts to me at my Compuserve address? It should be shown on this post, but to be sure, please address your duplicated submissions to 74740.231 [at] and I'll get them out as soon as I receive them, or at the end of the business day tomorrow, whichever comes first. I'm really sorry for this inconvenience and just want you to know that new posts can be sent to the LML as usual, or to either of my other email addresses, and that things should be back to normal tomorrow. Thanks for your understanding in this matter, I really appreciate it. <Marv>