Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 07/11/2014 - 11:40 Forums: LML Archive From: Reinath, Michael S. (ARC-AM) <michael.s.reinath [at]> Sender: <marv [at]> Subject: Re: Gear Pump LNC2 Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 07:40:17 -0400 To: <lml [at]> Per, I think it is most likely one of the cylinder piston seals. They don¹t always fail completely. I once had one that would leak only when the gear was down. With the gear up the pressure did not decay and the pump did not cycle. As soon as I put the gear down, every minute the pump would cycle on for a second. Raise the gear and it was okay again. I¹m not sure why it would stop after 15 minutes, but maybe it has to do with temperature of the cylinder and seal. If you can get it to happen on the ground, cap one cylinder off at a time until you find it. It could be one of the door cylinders, but I think they are less likely to be leaking. Mine door cylinders have not leaked in 1250 flight hours. Mike Reinath LNC2 N3602M at 1250 TT San Jose, CA Gear Pump LNC2 Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 07/11/2014 - 16:24 From: <dudewanarace [at]> Sender: <marv [at]> Subject: Re: Gear Pump LNC2 Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 12:24:47 -0400 To: <lml [at]> Don't forget it could be the dump valve leaking also. After rebuilding ALL of my gear and door cylinders, I still had a leak on the down side. Turned out to be the dump valve. More about that here: Picture of the bad dump valve seal: Tom McNerney
Gear Pump LNC2 Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 07/11/2014 - 16:24 From: <dudewanarace [at]> Sender: <marv [at]> Subject: Re: Gear Pump LNC2 Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 12:24:47 -0400 To: <lml [at]> Don't forget it could be the dump valve leaking also. After rebuilding ALL of my gear and door cylinders, I still had a leak on the down side. Turned out to be the dump valve. More about that here: Picture of the bad dump valve seal: Tom McNerney
Gear Pump LNC2
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