Halon Fire Extinguisher


From: Terry A. Pickering <pickering [at] myself.com>
Subject: Halon Fire Extinguisher
Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 21:19:53 -0700
To: <lancair.list [at] olsusa.com>


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I remember a few weeks back there was discussion regarding fire

extinguishers, especially Halon. Some people were discussing it was

difficult to find Halon extinguishers. This last weekend while at the

Lancair "get together" in Redmond, I noticed they have a very small one for

inside the cockpit. I needed one for my C172 so I picked it up. I think the

price was $49 or so.

For those that are looking for such a beast, they can be ordered direct

from Lancair.

Terry Pickering                          CompuGroup, Inc.

pickering [at] myself.com                     Portland, Oregon USA

www.teleport.com/~compugrp               Cessna 172 & Lancair ES



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