Heater Valve


From: by way of Marvin Kaye <marvkaye [at] olsusa.com> <N295VV [at] aol.com>
Subject: Re:Heater Valve
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 08:46:54 -0500
To: <lancair.list [at] olsusa.com>


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From: David Jones

To: Charlie Kohler

Charlie, your comment mystifies me.  I am talking about the Heat Control Valve

Assembly, not the Sonic Nozzles.  I am not replacing Sonic Nozzles.

But, as long as you have brought the point up, what is the function of the

Waste Gate Controller, if not to bleed and balance excessive unusable

compressed air?   To expect  the Sonic Nozzles dumping compressed air

overboard to fix "engine surge" is not my idea of  the way the engine should


 I would be looking at having the Waste Gate Controller on such an engine sent

in for overhaul, because it would seem to have stopped doing the job for which

it was designed.

Additionally, there are Sonic Nozzles, and there are Sonic Nozzles.  Mine have

about a 1/4" hole at the throat of a sloping venturi.  At the fly-in this

fall, Lancair had an engine being built up on a stand with ONE INCH nozzles

welded to each Turbo Intercooler.  They weren't even nozzles as such, but were

simply 1" straight-wall tubes.  I can't imagine a pair of turbos compressing

air and having two one-inch pipes dumping the air overboard, while the poor

Waste Gate Controller was trying to perform to its specifications!

But, what the hell do I know?  Maybe it was for some special use, like maybe a

balloon inflation capability at Albuqurque!

I do know one thing, however.  When my Lancair-supplied flapper valve was

leaking compressed air  (much less even than freely porting it overboard),  I

was losing 10 kts of airspeed.  I didn't spend five years building this

airplane to freely give up 10 kts!

David Jones