LC20 Nav Antenna placement


From: richard helms <RHHELMS-VIENNA [at]>
Subject: LC20 Nav Antenna placement
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 06:40:40 -0500
To: <lancair.list [at]>


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Michael Holland asked why not place the antenna in the wing, per the plans

(which don't address wetting the outer fuel bay).   I called Lancair before

closing my wings to get a tech rep's opinion since it looked to me like the

antenna would greatly complicate getting a good seal and it would not be a

real easy fit.  The tech rep suggested not putting it in the wet wing but

in the fuse instead.  The new Lancair catalog suggests putting it in the

fuse as well.

   My preference is to put it aft of the baggage bulkhead if the bend is

not thought to be excessive.

Hollis Helms

Vienna, VA