Radio stack


From: Marvin Kaye <74740.231 [at]>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <74740.231 [at]>
Subject: Re: Radio stack
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 00:54:24 -0500
To: Lancair Mail List <lancair.list [at]>


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Posted for "Angier M. Ames" <alphadog [at]>

In this day and age, are all avionics trays created equal? When you buy a

radio for your non existant panel, does it come with its own tray?Do you


your own? Or more likely,is it best to go with one manufacturer for all the

avionics for physical compatability? I'd like to go ahead now and get


trays I will need and start building them into the panel. Is this not a

good idea?

Angier Ames

Radio Stack

From: <Sky2high [at]>
Subject: Radio Stack
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 01:28:26 EST
To: <lancair.list [at]>


          <<  Lancair Builders' Mail List  >>




If you are two or more years from first flight (90% complete), don't choose

your radios yet.  

If you are within 1 year of flight (95% done, 90% to go) be adventuresome:

Select the desired avionics and use only the manufacturer's trays!!!  Wire

only according to their secret avionics installation guides.  Be prepared for


These days, get GPS/COMM combinations only --- the bestest to date --- Garmin

430  Approach GPS, Comm, Vor, Loc, Glideslope and color moving map in one

package ( this will save you  approximately 1 gadzillion connections for

nav/comm).  If you are worried about failure, select a VFR GPS/Comm as the

secondary unit.  


A Few Loose Wires:

Scott Krueger

N92EX (It always finds home)