Rudder return springs?


From: John Cooper <heyduke [at]>
Subject: Rudder return springs?
Date: Sat, 05 Dec 1998 14:17:02 -0500
To: <lancair.list [at]>


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I am trying to decide whether or not to install the recommended return

springs from each rudder pedal to to firewall. It just seems like that

would add that much more friction in the system. OTOH, maybe the release of

pressure on one side would balance out the increase on the other. Hmmmm...

Right now, I am of a mind to just use some extra rudder cable and a 3"

phenolic pully mounted on the firewall to tie one pedal to the other to

perform the same function.

Any ideas or comments out there?

Rudder return springs?

From: <TByrnes133 [at]>
Subject: Re: Rudder return springs?
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 09:20:08 EST
To: <Lancair.List [at]>


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John Cooper

I used the recommended springs but built in an adjustment in each one.  It

worked out real well as I ended up making several adjustments to get my 290 to

fly at cruise with the ball exactly in the center.

Tom Byrnes