Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 09/13/1998 - 22:07 Forums: LML Archive From: Marvin Kaye <marvkaye [at]> Subject: Some changes to the LML Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 18:07:03 -0400 To: <lancair.list [at]> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> << Lancair Builders' Mail List >> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Hi everyone, Well, here we are, working on our 29th week of the LML and I'm pleased to report that it is growing steadily (we're up to almost 250 subscribers now, a more than 150% increase since day one), the information-value level of posts submitted for approval keeps achieving new heights, and the participation statistics indicate that better than 40% of the subscribers actually are posting and taking an active part in its success. It would be truly wonderful if the other 60% of us would offer up a post every now and again, as message traffic and variety are the stuff of a truly successful newsletter. I've had the good fortune to meet many of you personally and always enjoyed my visits, and I look forward to meeting more of you personally in the future. For the moment, though, I'm thankful to everyone with whom I've had the privilege of corresponding without meeting face-to-face, and hope that one day in the not-too-distant future we'll all get to know each other better. With that said, it's time to get on with the real purpose of this post. As you are all well aware, the LML has grown from a small, few-posts-per-day entity, into one that sees days with an average of eight but as many as 15-20 individual posts showing up in any given 24 hour period. As such, the archives are growing at a pace that surprises even me, and the management tasks required to keep it all flowing smoothly have grown accordingly. I've been relatively happy with the service of the existing web-based archiver, although there are problems with it that I've been unable to solve even with weekly posts to the archive administrator begging help to get them solved. Consequently the web archives are soon going to be migrated to a new host whose service appears a bit more reliable and whose formatting is a bit more user friendly. Along with the migration to the new web-server, I'll be going through the entire list and cleaning up all the subjects which were listed as "Lancair List Volume X Issue Y" and reassigning them with more meaningful subject titles so threading will happen properly, and data searches will respond with more meaningful results. In addition to the web archives, I've been cleaning up the textfile archives to try to eliminate the long-line/short-line problems that show up when they're viewed with web browsers, a not-inconsiderable task I assure you. There are about 1200 posts to review and I've managed to get through about 150 of them to date. Phew! I've also got several megabytes of builders' tips that I intend to get incorporated into the LML Attachments section, things that I've managed to glean from my longtime association with Compuserve's AVSIG homebuilders' section, and which should prove interesting to most of you out there looking for tips and hints not available elsewhere. Additionally I keep receiving tidbits from many of our subscribers and those items are showing up in the Attachments section as I get to them. Once again, if any of you have something you'd like to share, please send it to me at your convenience and I'll get it posted ASAP. I've just completed a major update to the LML homepage (, with the inclusion of the mission statement of the LML and a considerable update to the list posting guildelines. Please stop by when you have a chance and read it through, I think you'll find it interesting and informative. Naturally, if you feel that I've missed something I'd be happy to hear from any of you with suggested additions or improvements. (To those of you out there without web access, please send me a note and I'll pass along the textfile version of the LML homepage so you can see its contents.) What with all of this going on, and with the intent of providing even more services in addition to those which are presently available (I'm trying to get the complete library of Lancair Service Bulletins online... I'll let you know how it works out as I get along with it) I find it necessary to ask you, the membership, for a small contribution to help take some of the heat off and provide me with the means to keep this endeavor afloat. What I'm asking for is a modest $35.00 annual subscription contribution... that's less than 10c/day for the right to continue receiving the LML and get full access to all of the archives and attachments that accompany the LML. As an added benefit to those of you out there who are also subscribers to the Lancair Network News, I'm offering a $5.00/year discount to LNN subscribers, the discount is being subsidized and sponsored by Jim & Lynda Frantz as a way of saying thanks from them to you for your continued support of the LNN and the LML as well. Thanks, Jim and Lynda, your offer and support is appreciated by all of us, I'm sure. I am unfortunately unable to accept credit card contributions but am pleased to accept personal checks or money orders drawn in US funds. Please send your contributions to Marvin Kaye, 209 Labelle Avenue, E. Fort Myers, FL, 33905-2521, USA. It is imperative that you write your LML subscription email address either on your remittance or included on a separate note with it, as all of the LML records are keyed on email address and not your actual name. Once I receive your remittance I'll confirm with an email and pass along your LML username and password which will grant you access to the LML archives and attachments. Subscriptions will run annually through the end of the month during which your contribution is received. To those of you who have already been kind enough to send a little something along, please just make up the difference between your original contribution and the $35 (or $30 for those of you who subscribe to the LNN) and your subscription will be extended to the end of the month in which your difference-contribution is received. My sincerest thanks goes out to all of you for your continued participation and support of the Lancair Mail List, I look forward to our taking the list, together, to even greater heights. <Marv> PS... if, for any reason, you would like to respond to this post, please do so directly to me at my email address, that being marvkaye [at] Thanks again. <M> Some changes to the LML Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 09/14/1998 - 20:53 From: John Cooper <heyduke [at]> Subject: Some changes to the LML Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 16:53:45 -0400 To: <lancair.list [at]> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> << Lancair Builders' Mail List >> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Marv and everyone-- I think the $35 annual subscription fee is well worth it, and I will be sending mine in shortly. 'Bout time you started getting paid for all your hard work, Marv! For all you builders who are reluctant, just remind yourself what you have gained be reading that ONE message that solved or made you aware of a possible problem ...probably hundreds or thousands of dollars or many hours of pondering ...or maybe even something more valuable... If I had my druthers, I wish we would all migrate back to AVSIG on Compuserve where the threading is better and the library was searchable by keyword - but that costs $120 per year and probably isn't going to happen. OTOH, there are many more Lancair builders here than there ever were on AVSIG. Thanks again Marv for putting this together-- --John, L-235 <radio stack mode> Some changes to the LML Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/16/1998 - 01:10 From: Marvin Kaye <marvkaye [at]> Subject: Re: Some changes to the LML Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 21:10:20 -0400 To: <lancair.list [at]> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> << Lancair Builders' Mail List >> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I received a post from Ed Armstrong <ed [at]> which included the following: >>> I sent in my $30. I hope everyone does, I've seen what you've done without getting paid. I can only imagine what you can do with a little help. You are still going to send and post e-mails from those that don't send money in though right? I'm thinking that a lot of the people overseas, and those who finished their plane may not participate, but I would still like to write to them and hear from them every day. <<< It is not my intention to summarily and unceremoniously remove anyone's email address from the subscription list who doesn't constribute to the cause. Folks who don't send something along are still welcome (and ecouraged) to post their thoughts, questions, opinions, and experiences to the LML anytime they have the urge to do so. They will continue to receive the daily postings of other members and are free to use that information as they see fit. They will be restricted from using the archives or accessing members' files which reside on the LML homepage, but that's about it... other than that the LML will go on as usual for them as it will for contributing masses. I hope that the folks that Ed mentioned (our overseas subscribers and those of you out there with completed projects) will continue to participate either way. I also hope that this clears up that one little point and will allow us to get on with the business at hand. Keep those posts flowing!! <Marv>
Some changes to the LML Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 09/14/1998 - 20:53 From: John Cooper <heyduke [at]> Subject: Some changes to the LML Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 16:53:45 -0400 To: <lancair.list [at]> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> << Lancair Builders' Mail List >> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Marv and everyone-- I think the $35 annual subscription fee is well worth it, and I will be sending mine in shortly. 'Bout time you started getting paid for all your hard work, Marv! For all you builders who are reluctant, just remind yourself what you have gained be reading that ONE message that solved or made you aware of a possible problem ...probably hundreds or thousands of dollars or many hours of pondering ...or maybe even something more valuable... If I had my druthers, I wish we would all migrate back to AVSIG on Compuserve where the threading is better and the library was searchable by keyword - but that costs $120 per year and probably isn't going to happen. OTOH, there are many more Lancair builders here than there ever were on AVSIG. Thanks again Marv for putting this together-- --John, L-235 <radio stack mode>
Some changes to the LML Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/16/1998 - 01:10 From: Marvin Kaye <marvkaye [at]> Subject: Re: Some changes to the LML Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 21:10:20 -0400 To: <lancair.list [at]> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> << Lancair Builders' Mail List >> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I received a post from Ed Armstrong <ed [at]> which included the following: >>> I sent in my $30. I hope everyone does, I've seen what you've done without getting paid. I can only imagine what you can do with a little help. You are still going to send and post e-mails from those that don't send money in though right? I'm thinking that a lot of the people overseas, and those who finished their plane may not participate, but I would still like to write to them and hear from them every day. <<< It is not my intention to summarily and unceremoniously remove anyone's email address from the subscription list who doesn't constribute to the cause. Folks who don't send something along are still welcome (and ecouraged) to post their thoughts, questions, opinions, and experiences to the LML anytime they have the urge to do so. They will continue to receive the daily postings of other members and are free to use that information as they see fit. They will be restricted from using the archives or accessing members' files which reside on the LML homepage, but that's about it... other than that the LML will go on as usual for them as it will for contributing masses. I hope that the folks that Ed mentioned (our overseas subscribers and those of you out there with completed projects) will continue to participate either way. I also hope that this clears up that one little point and will allow us to get on with the business at hand. Keep those posts flowing!! <Marv>
Some changes to the LML
Submitted by Anonymous on
Some changes to the LML
Submitted by Anonymous on