Some new attachments online


From: Marvin Kaye <marvkaye [at]>
Subject: Some new attachments online
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 23:15:42 -0500
To: <lancair.list [at]>


          <<  Lancair Builders' Mail List  >>



I thought I'd let everyone know that there have been about 8 new additions

to the Builders' List, and the LML homepage has been updated a bit as well.

 I received some official Lancair files courtesy of Dan Olsen regarding

wetting the LC20 wings to the tips, and just uploaded the pictures of Chris

Zavatson's fiberfrax prep work prior to installing the SS firewall.

Just a quick note in case you get to looking closely at the sloshdoor

files, they were resized from a really large multi-image tif file so they

could be viewed on a 1024x768 resolution monitor without having to scroll

around, but since they were scanned in from faxes the quality isn't the

best.  The first scan is the overall wing layout and has a glaring error on

it, I'm surprized that no one has straightened it out yet.... if you look

closely at the new partial BL57 rib that gets installed to make this little

project happen, you might notice that it shows the slosh doors mounted on

the _outboard_ side of that rib.  Do not install them this way, as they

won't perform their intended function, that being to keep the fuel in the

most inboard bay where the fuel pickup resides.  The slosh doors go on the

_inboard_ side of that rib.  (The other scans came directly out of chapter

6 of the LIV manual, and the information regarding fabrication on them is

