Static line water trap


From: Dan Schaefer <dfschaefer [at]>
Subject: Static line water trap
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 08:47:26
To: <lancair.list [at]>


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Some very interesting info in the last LML from Ed de Chazal regarding his

water trap in the static line. I'm not sure where the ports are on later

models, but in the 235 (early) they were positioned so as to penetrate

just aft of the baggage bulkhead and just below the hat shelf. I had

run a line from each horizontally to a tee at about the same level and

then brought the line to the instruments down to the tunnel and forward.

Obviously, the water was sitting in those horizontal sections of line

(1/4" tubing) and with the motions of taxi and take off, it eventually all

ran into the tee and down the the line going forward.

My plan now is to change the tee to a four-way fitting, or "X", re-route

the horizontal sections of tubing coming from the ports to slope upward

a bit to it. On the lower outlet of the "X", add about a 12 inch length

of tubing routed straight down, with the bottom sealed, as a trap and route

the instrument line going forward so that it comes off the upper outlet

of the "X" and runs vertically for a few inches before turning down

to go thru the tunnel. Will probably have to put a drain on the trap but

I'll work that out as I go along.

The only thing better, if there is one, about this rig over Ed's is I

won't have to figure out how to bond anything to the plastic used in the

various pill bottles.


Dan Schaefer



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