wiring chart


From: Scott Dahlgren <dahlgren [at] itsnet.com>
Subject: wiring chart
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 10:33:51 -0600
To: ___Lancair list <lancair.list [at] olsusa.com>


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marv ask me to talk a bit about our Excel wiring charts.

they are copper wire chart for DC service - (Mil-W-5088L) and are simple to

use. just enter you wire length and amps and the chart displays wire size

for single wire, bundles and intermittent services. make sure and double all

of you wire lengths for composite or wood aircraft. Please download the

charts off of Marv's page if you can. I know some of you have juno and other

strictly E-mail programs out there. If you need an E-mail, you must include

the version of excel you are using so I can send you the correct file.

please note any problems or discrepancies with these programs to me or Marv

right away.  I would hate anyone to make a mistake on their project!

if someone is involved with or knows other groups (glassair, RV, r2, local

EAA etc), please feel free to pass the charts around to anyone you know in

all groups. I would like all of the home builders to get one if they can use


I also have programs that will loft airfoils, and analyze them (lift, Cm

etc.) loft fuselages and create 3D files for AutoCAD. I lofted the 320 using

this program (and lost the files in a HD crash!!) rendering various wing tip

designs and colors with it. if anyone is interested I will send the files to

marv's page as well.

good luck,

Scott Dahlgren