Writing accurate "Subjects" for our postings


From: Marvin Kaye <74740.231 [at] compuserve.com>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <74740.231 [at] compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: Writing accurate "Subjects" for our postings
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 02:24:21 -0400
To: Lancair Mail List <lancair.list [at] olsusa.com>


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Posted for Greg Nelson  <gregsays [at] swbell.net>:

 It occurs to me that too much information is being lost in our

postings, email and archives by reason of wrong "subjects" being

assigned to our postings.  The subject is the primary means by which our

rather standard email software organizes our writings.  These software

programs also use "date" and "sender" to categorize or sort information

but each of these methods does require that we open each historic

Builder's List posting to find a particular writing that we remember

reading previously.  When the "subject" is properly stated, it will

"thread" or associate with other writings of similar topics making them

all quick and easy to reference and use.  When the subjects are vaguely

written or do not reference topics in the text, then that text may not

be readily available to future readers.

A good method of writing "Subject(s)" might be by using just one or

several words for each topic.  For example, a miscellaneous posting

might be stated thus:                    "wiring, gear, ride needed,

hysol, brakes".

The additional advantage that this method will have is that the "Find"

function of each software program will quickly  find the key words

embedded in these Subject headings--a great time savings over having to

revisit literally hundreds of postings on this Builder's List.

Marvin Kaye,  we really appreciate your considerable sacrifices in the

great undertaking of this "Builder's List".