Panel Production


From: Michael D Smith <msmith1 [at]>
Subject: Panel Production
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 16:52:46 -0600
To: lancair.list [at] <lancair.list [at]>


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I have access to an automated router that can cut up to 1

inch thick alumnum dimensionally correct to 1/1000 inch


I cut my panel with it and it was slick.  I output the panel

layout to a .dxf file, and I brought it over to my friend.

It is really neat to watch this 1/16 inch router dance over

the panel, and soon, a great looking panel.  I used the

metal that came with the kit, but now I wish I used some

heavier and it was no more sweat to cut thicker material.

Additionally, etching can be done.

I am not sure if he might be interested in providing this

service for the LL, but he might.  Let me know if there

might be a need.